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Is NDIS-Medium Term Accommodation Right Choice?

Is NDIS-Medium Term Accommodation Right Choice?

Have you heard of NDIS-Medium Term Accommodation? If not, don't worry, it's a new scheme that can help people with disabilities who are transitioning from hospital or other health services into the community. The NDIS is available to people with disability and their families. It provides funding for support to help them live independently in their own homes, or somewhere else. Harmony Homecare and community care is , Australia's best NDIS providers.
What is Medium Term Accommodation

Medium TermAccommodation (MTA) is a program that provides funding for people with disabilities to live in private rental properties for up to six months. This can be extended if you need more time to find suitable accommodation or if there are health reasons why you cannot move into your own home immediately.

The MTA program helps people who have been assessed by their NDIS planner as needing medium-term support, but do not qualify for Long Term Supported Accommodation (LTS). It gives them time and flexibility in finding a suitable home within the community. If these arrangements don't work out, then your NDIS plan will be updated so that it fits better with your needs at that time. HHACC Harmony Home and community care in Australia.

Who is it for?

● If you have a disability and are eligible for the NDIS, this option may be right for you.

● If you have a permanent or temporary need for accommodation, this option may be right for you.

● If your disability is not eligible under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), this option is not suitable as it does not meet all of your needs.

What are the benefits?

The benefits of NDIS-Medium Term Accommodation are:

● Staying in your home and having your own space, privacy and independence

● Being supported by a support coordinator who can help with finding the right place for you

● Being part of a community that has people like you living there, who may become friends or even family members.

What is the cost?

The cost of medium-term accommodation depends on the type of accommodation you choose and whether or not it is supported by an NDIS provider.

You can claim a rebate from the NDIS for your accommodation costs if:

● Your chosen place is located within 50 kilometres from where your NDIS Plan was developed

● Your chosen place is not located within 50 kilometres but it's not reasonable for someone with similar needs as yours to live closer due to factors such as distance from family members (this applies only if these family members live within 15 kilometres), cultural reasons or geographic isolation

What are the alternatives?

If you are receiving a temporary respite stay, you may not be able to move into permanent accommodation. You might be able to stay in your current home if it meets the access criteria for NDIS-funded accommodation. The NDIA has developed an Accessibility Assessment Tool that can help determine whether or not your home is suitable for someone with a disability who uses a wheelchair, mobility aid or other support device
Is Medium-Term Accommodation a Good Fit for You?

If you are receiving a temporary respite stay, it may not be possible for you to move into permanent accommodation.

If the NDIS-funded accommodation isn't right for your family, talk to your local NDIS team about other options.
Services offered by Medium Term Accommodation

Access to quality NDIS-funded accommodation can be challenging. There are many options available, but each individual's needs will differ. You must know what your options are and how they may affect you.

Medium-term accommodation is an option that many people with disabilities should be aware of as it allows them to remain in their community while receiving care and support on an ongoing basis. Each medium-term accommodation is supported by a support coordinator who will work closely with you and your family/carers to plan what level of assistance they need to live independently at home or in the community, including possible respite options if required.

How does it work?

The NDIS-Medium Term Accommodation funding is for people who require short-term or medium-term accommodation.

● You must be eligible for the NDIS and have an approved plan.

● You must secure funding through your NDIS plan to cover the cost of your accommodation, which can be either in a group home setting or private rental property (if you're not able to live independently).

The funding provided by the NDIA will cover:

● Accommodation only

● Accommodation plus support services such as personal care and domestic assistance.
